UK Tutoring Services Cambodia, Learning English, Phnom Penh

UK Tutoring Services - Learning English in Cambodia

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You are now on your way to successfully Learning English in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Phnom Penh) in the most appropriate and quickest way possible. The language does not have to be a difficult language to learn if you go about it in the correct way.In fact it can be fun! We promise you that!

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Phnom Penh UK Tutoring Services Staff

Learning English Phnom Penh

How to learn, speak, read and write? One of the same you would think, but how wrong you would be! In order to study the language correctly you need to understand the language in all its complexities.

Once you have made the decision to learn English in all its various forms in Cambodia you will have certain options available to you. Do you or your children attend one of the many International schools that seem to spring up every day in Phnom Penh? Of course you do, you really have no choice to a certain extent. However, like all businesses in the modern world today they need to show a profit.

Privately owned schools are no different. Classes are getting larger due to an unsurpassed demand for private education in Phnom Penh and the teachers are under increasing pressure to compensate for this; usually without any additional support from the school in question and usually without any increase in salary. No wonder there is such a high turnover of native speaking teachers at a lot of the Private Phnom Penh International schools in Cambodia; it's hardly surprising. As you can well imagine, this is highly detrimental to a student who is under enough pressure as it is to perform well.

Do you go to group evening classes? This option sounds good in theory but when you think about it in a bit more depth this particular strategy is open to question. An average student has worked a 7 hour day or more already and then is expected to attend yet another classroom for a further 1 or 2 hours before even contemplating their homework assignments! This sounds stressful enough but once you build in the factors that this form of tuition is reliant upon cooperative learning, even workloads and matched personalities combined with strict discipline methodology it's dubious as to whether or not this is really going to have any beneficial effect.

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一旦你决定在柬埔寨学习各种各样形式的英文,你会发现有很多选择。您和您的孩子是否参加过多如雨后春笋般地各类金边国际学校?当然,您在某种程度可能没有其他的选择。不过,正如那些现代的企业一样,学校也需要获取利润。私立学校正是如此: 它们的班级规模变得越来越大!由于金边民办私立教育的需求不断增大。那些国际学校的教师们正在面临越来越大的压力以此来服务更多的学生。那些老师们通常都没有收到来自学校的额外支持,比如他们的薪水并没有增加—这就是为什么金边的私立国际学校英文为母语的教师流动率特别高。你可以想象,这对于大部分学生来说是非常不利的。你是否曾参加过夜间补习班?这些所谓的晚课表面上听起来不错,但是当您更深入地思考一下时,你就会发现这类夜间补习班是有缺陷的。试想一下,当一个学生已经上了7个多小时的课,本身堆积了一定的作业,然后他/他还需要花1到2个小时参加另一个晚课,试图想象这个压力有多大!但是当你仔细想一想这种形式学习的成本包括:依赖于合作学习,工作量需要稳定(前提)和天生良好的自律精神,更何况这种晚间自修式的学习方式是否真的有效大家也心知肚明。

Girl learning English in Cambodia

How to Learn English Fast

Do you consider this via private tuition? The reason you are now reading our website is because you are seriously considering a one-to-one private tutor to teach you or your loved ones the language correctly. There are many tutoring services available for you to choose from in Cambodia and in Phnom Penh in particular but finding the most suitable and reliable company for you or your offspring can be confusing, time consuming and frustrating.

That's where we come in! Learning English doesn't have to be a daunting thought. Not even the grammar!

The private teachers at UK Tutoring Services in Cambodia understand that every student out there is a completely different and unique individual. Maybe you are a young learner who is looking to get a head start on your competition or more easily distracted by other pupils than others and are temporarily falling behind at school.

You may possibly need our advice on a more specific aspect of the language in preparation for University or maybe you are an aspiring business professional whose command of the language is already superb but who wishes to really step up to the mark and boost your grammar or conversation skills. Learning the language via private tuition in Cambodia on a one-to-one basis is a proven methodology of approach to successfully study the language in order to boost your learning ability and is fast becoming the most popular form of tuition worldwide.

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UKTS Hiring Teachers

Global English

The global private tutoring market is projected to exceed $102 Billion in the next 3 years with Asia clearly leading this phenomenal trend by representing an astonishing 90% of this figure. Learning English is the most popular subject but please don't take our word for it – take Forbes magazine word for it and have a good read of their website today under the title "GLOBAL PRIVATE TUTORING MARKET WILL EXCEED $102 BILLION IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS ".

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全球私教市场预计在未来3年内将超过102亿美元,亚洲市场看来这种趋势最明显,研究表明在亚洲市场这个数字会达到90%之多。学习英文将会是最受欢迎的课目,你可以不相信我们的话–但是如果你翻阅福布斯杂志的话,具体请参照他们网站上的一篇好文章"GLOBAL PRIVATE TUTORING MARKET WILL EXCEED $102 BILLION IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS ".

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How to Study English

All our carefully vetted private tutors are guaranteed to be native English speaking teachers who are fully TEFL, TESOL or CELTA qualified with many years of teaching experience behind them and who will enhance your experience of learning the language in Cambodia. They are all willing to commute to a destination within Phnom Penh of your choice at a time that best suits you and your family. We have total confidence in our ability to teach you so you will be able to converse in the language with total confidence! References available upon request.

Interesting fact: It is estimated that almost 30% of humans can speak the language (over two billion). It is the most spoken language on the planet, counting first, second, third, etc. language speakers. It is the official language of over 50 countries and it is a language of business and marketing world wide. It is estimated that English will continue to be the most widely spoken language (first and second language) in the world in 2023. English is spoken by more than 1.5 billion people worldwide.

Can pose some different complications for different students. Some students struggle with vocabulary and pronunciation while others find difficulties with reading and writing but by far the most problematic area seems to be with the grammar. Using and learning the language can typically create a multitude of problems due to students being overwhelmed with the challenges that they are confronted with when it comes to understanding the grammar.

Listening, speaking English and comprehension are usually more frequently mastered than grammar so for the purposes of this website we suggest you watch and listen to the short video beneath and not worry too much at this stage about grammar. Therefore it is generally accepted that speaking and listening comprehension is far more difficult than writing or reading.

In summary we advise you to concentrate on becoming fluent in speaking English because one can become fluent without having to be constantly obsessed with the search for perfection when learning all the rules that surround grammar.

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我们保证我们所有得外国教师都持有TEFL,TESOL,或者 CELTA 证书,并拥有很多年的教学经验。他们将加强你在柬埔寨学习英文的体验。他们愿意在最适合您和您家人的时间和地点去给您辅导上课。我们对教您说一口自信流利的英文完全有信心!请根据要求提供参考。 我们讲述一下一个有趣的事实:据统计,全球几乎30%的人都会说英文(超过20亿)。英文是全球使用人数最多的语言:作为第一、第二、和第三语言。英文是50多个国家规定的官方语言,也是一种全球商业和营销的官方用语。详情:




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