Cambodian students have far more choices in recent years in regards to education opportunities both locally and internationally.
While the growth of local education institutions offers more choices of study programs with better quality, many Cambodian students are also pursuing overseas qualifications, either through full scholarships, partial scholarships or through their own funding.
With options available to them, they face a new challenge – making an informed decision that best suits their career goals and personal aspirations, which is not as easy as it sounds!
Below is some information on some of the most popular study destinations for Cambodian students:
Australia is a popular destination for international students from around the world. Home to leading universities, it offers a relaxed, affordable study experience and strong career opportunities in some of the world’s most liveable cities.
Many Australian universities are ranked among the top 400 universities by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. There are large Cambodian migrant communities in Victoria and New South Wales.According to data published last week by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 4,221 Cambodian university-level students are studying outside the country.
The data set, titled “Global Flow of Tertiary-level Students”, made, measures “internationally mobile students”, defined as those who have “physically crossed an international border” to pursue studies in a country that is not “their country of origin”.
For Cambodia, 1.9 per cent of the student population falls into this category, in line with the global average of 1.8 per cent.
The top 10 destination countries for Cambodian students are Thailand (955 students), Australia (602), Vietnam and France (443), the United States (376), Saudi Arabia (350), Japan (297), South Korea (273), New Zealand (82) and the United Kingdom (66).
The remaining 334 or so students are variably spread out in over 110 other countries, including Iran, Finland, the Congo, Tajikistan and the Seychelles.
Soriya Hoeur, a 26-year-old Cambodian master’s student studying Industrial Engineering in Thailand, said in an interview yesterday that he left the Kingdom to be able to have access to a research university equipped for his field of study.
“In Cambodia we don’t really have the heavy industry to study my specialty,” he said.
However, the desire to go abroad was also to expand Hoeur’s horizons. “I wanted to see if I could have the possibility and experience of a new place,” he said.
Cambodian students and their parents last week met face-to-face with prestigious schools, universities and education providers from across Australia. Participating institutions presented study options from secondary school through vocational training and postgraduate studies. Students and their parents were invited to find out more information on study options and the application process at the IDP Study in Australia Interview Programme.
“Education is the foundation of the relationship between Cambodia and Australia. Australian alumni return to Cambodia to make significant contributions to its human resource capital. Building and nurturing the nation’s human resources through education, training, and employment continues to be one of the most important priorities of the 5th mandate of the Royal Government of Cambodia,” said Yuok Ngoy, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.
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